CFC Missionaries
For a full list of missionaries and organizations we support, please contact us.
Missionary Organization: Awana.org
Missionary Supported: Rick & Mary Glover
Awana Podcast: Podcast
Email Rick for regular email updates from the Glovers
AWANA is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. As the global leader in child and youth discipleship, AWANA gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their backgrounds.
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
Missionary Organization: Biblical Ministries Worldwide (BMW)
Missionary Supported: Bryan & Michelle Vercler
Email Bryan Vercler for regular email updates from the Verclers
BMW exists toserve local churches and its missionaries as they plant HEALTHY CHURCHES EVERYWHERE through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development. We are Great Commission focused, local church driven.
Ethnos 360
Missionary Organization: Ethnos 360
Missionary Supported: Joel & KIristen Snyder
Ethnos 360 Subscription: Subscribe
Email Krysten Snyder for regular email updates from the Snyders
Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos 360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping, and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.
The Old Bell Tower Church
Previously, this missionary endeavor operated under Harvard Bible Church (HBC). In 2025, the church-planting outreach transitioned from Harvard Bible Church to The Old Bell Tower Church (TOBTC).
Now the work is able to come under TOBTC, an actual church-plant from the HBC days. TOBTC has grown and flourished into now itself being able to sustain the ongoing expansion of other church plants.
IFCA International
Missionary Organization: IFCA International
IFCA Podcast: Podcast
To receive IFCA's monthly newsletters, email the CFC secretary so you can be added to the forwarding list
Our own church, CFC, chooses to come under the umbrella of IFCA... and so we strive to be faithful in sending regular financial support to sustain the... strengthening of local churches, networking of pastors, and sending Christian workers into the world.
IFCA was foundedin 1930 as a particular U.S. endeavor, but in 1996 the name was officially changed to IFCA International. Today the Fellowship offers valuable benefits and care to independent churches and pastors worldwide. IFCA International seeks to be an ethnically blended fellowship of individuals and churches, reflecting the diversity of the Body of Christ.
International Training & Equipment Ministries (ITEM)
ITEM’s mission is to train church leaders in Africa in order to advance the true Gospel through strong, vibrant, healthy churches. Since 2003, ITEM has brought the necessary training right to where it’s needed – the cities and towns across the African countryside where these pastors live and minister. In their hands, it has left notes, study Bibles, and all the resources it can provide to aid them as they continue their ministries. ITEM has trained thousands of pastors and impacted well over one million African Christians.
Life In Messiah (LIFE)
Missionary Organization: Life In Messiah (LIFE)
Missionary Supported: Wes & Lori Taber
Life Podcast: Podcast
Life Subscription: Subscribe
Email Lori Taber for regular email updates from the Tabers
Life in Messiah’s passion and calling is threefold:
EVANGELISM: Sharing the good news of Jesus the Messiah with a priority of “to the Jew first.” Romans 1:16
DISCIPLESHIP: Helping Jewish & Gentile believers in Jesus to mature in their faith and become disciple makers.
TRAINING: Equipping the Church to share the gospel, stand against antisemitism, and develop a deeper appreciation for the Jewish roots of our faith.
APEX Expats
Missionary Organization: APEX Expats
We support an APEX Expats missionary. For further information, speak to a mission committee member and you can then reach out to Apex via email for regular updates.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Missionary Organization: Mission Aviation Fellowship
Missionary Supported: David & Patricia Carwell (Options for regular email updates found here)
MAF Podcast: Podcast
VISION: To see isolated people changed by the love of Christ.
MISSION: Serving together to bring help, hope, and healing through aviation.
HISTORY: Mission Aviation Fellowship began in 1945 as the Christian Airmen’s Missionary Fellowship (CAMF). Betty Greene flew the inaugural missionary flight to Mexico on February 23, 1946.
Midwest Church Extension (MCE)
Missionary Organization: Midwest Church Extension (MCE)
Missionary Supported: Dr. Henry Vosburgh
For further information and regular updates, reach out to Dr. Vosburgh directly
The ministry of MCE serves to facilitate the planting of new churches and to re-plant struggling churches. In doing so, its intent is to oversee the planting and development of IFCA International churches until they are able to function with sufficient stability and in a manner by which the Great Commission may be increasingly fulfilled through the consistent, faithful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Daily Bread
Missionary Organization: Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread Ministries helps millions of people connect with God each day. For more than 75 years, its purpose has remained the same: to reach people with the life-changing wisdom of the Bible. Its mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all. Its vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.
Pacific Garden Mission (PGM)
Missionary Organization: Pacific Garden Mission (PGM)
PGM Subscription: Subscribe
"Unshackled" Radio Drama Subscription: Subscribe
Pacific Garden Mission is proud to be the nation’s oldest rescue mission working to change lives through God’s transformative love.
PURPOSE: To reach the lost with the Gospel of Christ.
MISSION: PGM serves with the compassion of Christ and ministers with thetransforming message of the Gospel.
VISION: PGM offers life answers through faith in Jesus Christ, through any season of life, so that its guests become fully functioning followers of Christ.
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
Missionary Organization: Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
Missionary Supported: Eric Mock (VP of ministry operations)
SGA Podcast: Podcast
Email Eric Mock for regular email updates from Eric
SGA works with local and national ministry partners in 10 countries across Russia, the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe, and Central Asia. Slavic Gospel Association traces its founders’ vision and history to the 1920s and 30s in the city of Chicago, where it was founded by Rev. Peter Deyneka, an immigrant from Belarus (now an independent nation, but then a part of the Soviet Union). SGA continues to work primarily in the former Soviet nations of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia, as well as serving Russian speaking congregations in Israel. SGA partners also help provide funds to help churches purchase humanitarian aid for orphanages.
Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
Missionary Organization: Slavic Gospel Association (SGA)
Missionary Supported: Valery Pereshein (indigenous evangelist)
Email Laura Anderson for regular email updates on Pastor Pereshein
Pastor Valery Pereshein and his wife, Anna, serve in the Russian speaking areas of Belarus, Mosty and Grodno. Children’s Bible classes, women’s Bible studies, worship services and summer programs are some of the ministries that this traveling pastor is able to offer his diverse people groups.
Sunday School: 9:30AM - 10:30AM | Sunday Worship Service: 10:45AM - 12:00PM
Christian Fellowship Church - 605 E 165th St, Hammond, IN - (219) 931-5177